Nature; acute and chronic illnesses related to medicine & surgery; nurses’
roles and interventions in restoring health, preventing complications and
recurrence, and maintaining health of adult clients with acute and chronic
illness using client-centered and holistic care; medical & surgical
interventions and anesthesia; nature of diseases and pathogenesis; alterations
in infectious diseases, nosocomial infection, surgical wound, alteration in
integumentary system, digestive and gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular
system, endocrine & metabolic system; respiratory system; nervous system .
Introduction to pharmacology and basic principles of drug action:
pharmaceutic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamics; essential drugs;
forms of drugs and preparation; action, adverse effect and its management of
major drug classes including antibiotics and anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory
drugs, antipyretics and analgesics, drugs affecting body systems, i.e., gastrobiliary, urinary, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous system, antipsychotic, anti-neoplastic and immunosuppressive agents.